Fall Session Day 2012

Last weekend, I hosted what I hope will be an annual event - Fall Session Day!  While our initial plan was to have the event (a day filled with half-hour photo sessions) take place at Endicott Park, a Boy Scout event was going to happen on that same day at Endicott. Not wanting to take on the challenge of working around hundreds little uniformed boys, I switched the location to Lynch Park in Beverly. Although it was chilly, it was a great day. It was so nice to see families that I have worked with in the past and meet some new people too!  Everyone did such a great job during their sessions. We had toddlers and teens and itty-bitty babies too, and all our sessions still went smoothly, even with that distracting, tempting playground luring some away from the camera!

I'm so very grateful for my wonderful clients. I really do enjoy working with all of you!  Thanks for making it such a fun and I felt, successful day!